University of Chicago Couple
Karen Johnson and Eric Johnson

"Its been said that everything you need, is already inside of you -- I've always  believed that! 

Karen Johnson, MA, Ph.D. Behavioral Psychology student,  has leadership experience in both corporate and private sector. As a lifelong entrepreneur, she is the President of Johnson and Johnson Consulting -CFLS, Founder of the  Father-Daughter  Institute (FDI); an online education, training and transformation center, the Publisher of The Journal for Father Daughter Communications and a Transformational Personal Development Speaker   She helps reveal the I CAN'T and I WON'T messages in your subconscious mind and challenges you to push through the muck and mire of negative self -talk  toward I CAN and I WILL.

Karen is also driven by her deepest passion, to support the development of healthy families, by increasing awareness, and understanding about the life-long Influence of the Father Effect on female psycho-social and emotional development. She helps fathers, daughters and families uncover neurologically established limiting beliefs and reprogram unhealthy female-male communication patterns. She has inspired women from all walks of life, who did not, have a healthy father-daughter connection, toward healing, health and happiness.

Ms. Davis-Johnson earned her M.A. in Clinical Social Work from the University of Chicago and is currently pursuing a PhD in Behavioral Psychology.


Mr. Eric Johnson, MSW is currently the CEO of Johnson and Johnson Consulting-CFLS, and weekly contributor for  AskJohnsonandJohnson.

Mr. Johnson has over 40 years Administrative and Clinical and experience. His professional career as a human service provider has touched the lives of more than ten thousand individuals seeking help and assistance.  His career has included serving as the Executive Director of  Neighbor to Family, Executive Director of The Better Boys Foundation, Executive Director of The Transitional Living and Career Institute, Director of External Programs at Jane Addams Hull House Association, Organization/Community Representative  for International Center for Health Leadership Development of the University of Illinois, Director of the Illinois Link Program to name a few.

Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois he earned his Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University and his Master of Arts from the University of Chicago-School of Social Service Administration.  Mr. Johnson has traveled extensively nationally and abroad and is know for his creative and inventive approaches to training and unique real-world treatment approaches.

In his dedication and commitment to the development of healthy families and social change he was awarded the Lawndale Peoples Planning and Action Conference/Pyramid west Development Corporation/Geneva Bey Award; The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration- Elizabeth Butler Award; Recipient of Proclamation for Eric Johnson Day in the State of Illinois from Governor George Ryan; Letter of Congratulations from Mayor Daley. Other honors include Outstanding Services and Contributions Award from the Better Boys Foundation, Community Leadership Award C2P-John Stroger Hospital/Prevention of HIV-AIDS in Youth, Spirit of Youth and Outstanding Contribution from the Youth of North Lawndale by Harris Bank and the Steans Family Foundation.

Eric and his wife Karen currently live in the Chicago-land area where they tirelessly engage others in a wide range of topics from the diversity found in the field of Social Service Administration to Second Marriage and Blended-Family Issues. They offer Personal  and Professional Development Coaching. To Schedule a consultation call 708-474-4791 or email eric@johnson-johnsoncfls.com or karen @johnson-johnsoncfls.com

As a dedicated husband, father grandfather and professional he believes "touching the lives of others is the most important aspect of healing for the human soul" .

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